Created at : Oct 1, 2014

Consider these numbers and statistics related to American manufacturing*:

  • Manufacturing supports about 17.4 million jobs in the U.S.
  • In 2013, manufacturing contributed $2.08 trillion to our economy
  • American manufacturers are the most productive in the world, surpassing the productivity of every other manufacturing economy
  • The average manufacturing worker earned $77,506 in 2013

Considering these remarkable facts, along with the knowledge that the industry is continuing to grow and is more innovative than ever, it seems that American manufacturing has a lot to celebrate. Likewise, it should be celebrated, and we can all do just that, on October 3, 2014.

This day, the third annual Manufacturing Day, is a celebration of the industry in our country, co-produced by the nation’s leading manufacturing associations, and occurring throughout the country. Thousands of events will take place and tens of thousands of people will participate—manufacturers, students, parents, teachers, and community leaders will come together. Manufacturers will have the opportunity to open their doors to the public and show what they make, what they do, who they employ, and how their work matters.

This is not only a great way to get the country involved in what we, as manufacturers, are all about, but it’s a wonderful chance to get young people excited. We can showcase manufacturing as the high-tech, fast-paced, invaluable industry it is. This can help get the next generation of Americans interested in rewarding careers, while also helping to address the skilled labor shortage.

As proud American manufacturers, we are excited to celebrate this great industry, and encourage everyone to take part in MFG DAY 2014.

* http://www.nam.org/Statistics-And-Data/Facts-About-Manufacturing/Landing.aspx